A Local Concert and More Recording

This year we haven't done any concerts till now. I've been focused on my writing, as well as arranging and rehearsing for recording. The end of September we were asked to do a local concert here in Florida for a Sukkot festival, so I decided I'd like to try that and see how well I was able to do physically.

The sound check was extremely difficult as they had no sound engineer on the board. Mark had to do some uncomfortable work arounds to make things happen at all. The monitors were terrible so I couldn't hear myself on stage, only what was coming back to me from the room sound, not optimal! The concert went well though and I did a 45 minute set without getting too dizzy. Mark did have to help me down the steps from the platform. The usual after a concert, but I played and sang well.

Most important, people were blessed and ministered to. I felt the wonderful presence of the Ruach, and the new songs were well recieved. We met some old friends, the Whittens and the Steckbecks, whom we hadn't seen in ages. It was fun catching up!

I sold most of my author copies of my book, The Terra Colony Project: Book 1 The Dreamers. That was an added blessing. We spent the night in a cabin with friends and then took off the next morning for a trip north to visit family. We got to visit all our daughters up the east coast ending in Connecticut with Kerah and her family there.

We enjoyed sweet worship with the Congregation there, and got to get some recording done with Kerah. We worked on "Like a Child", a song based on Mathew's telling of Yeshua with the children.

I finished my manuscript for book two of the Terra Colony Project series there. Now, back at home, I'm editing like mad and just found someone to do my cover for me. It will cost this time, but I have a little left in savings to work with.

Pray that the cover is as good as the first book and ties in well with the series look, and that Adonai provides for author copies once I get the editing and cover done.

If you'd like to help, you can give a one time gift to our paypal at zlevavmusic@gmail.com or subscribe monthly on our website. If you do that you'll get access to my personal blog where I share much more than in the newsletters. There are some healthy delicious dessert recipes, the pdf manuscript (not the final edit) of book one, and free music downloads of some of the new songs (not the final version) and much more.


Adonai bless and keep you!  ~Shimrit

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